What do I mean by this?
Well it’s a really simple idea:
- I like chaining
- I like jQuery
- I DON’T really like using the method I think it makes the code a little unreadable.
- I do like my code to be a little readable.
So here is the simple solution:
(function () { Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, "$", { get: function (){ var selector = this.toString(); return $(selector); } }) }())
What does this mean (for some of us)?
Well this simply means that we can do the following. (please note: both are equivalent).
// select the body element $('body'); "body".$; //Find element $('body').find('div'); "body".$.find('div'); //Single Quotes are allowed too Since it's a string 'body'.$.find('div').show()
I thought it would be nice to have the selector first and actions, or manipulations after
I would love to see this in my code…
'body' //selector .$ //getter .find('div') //find all divs .show() //change style="display:block;" ;//end of chain
As per usual comments and thoughts are welcomed.